9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Christy Wiebe
Located in the upstairs Coffee House
Steve Schroeder
Located in the upstairs southside classroom
Stan & Priscilla Cary
Located in the northside classrooms
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Family Matters
Located in the Coffee House

At the beginning of each class, time is built in for intentional connection and fellowship with one another.

After a time of fellowship, Pastor Brent leads the class in a short devotion and discussion. 

Class is concluded with prayer for one another and the needs of the room. 


Rock Church
Located in the Rock Church / Ages 50+

Led by Pastor Mark, the Omegas class consists of fellowship, food, worship, and a message. 

This class also enjoys building community with one another outside of the church; field trips are frequent!